"You know, the ocean's a pretty big place," Larry mused to himself, his gills fluttering slightly as he surveyed the endless expanse of water. He hovered just above the colorful coral, the fish darting around him like a school of paintbrushes in a painter's dream. Larry was a fish man, with scales that shimmered like the moon on a still night and a smile that could warm the coldest of deep-sea currents. But right now, his eyes held a hint of anxiety.

He was lost. Lost in the vastness of the sea, searching for the one place he called home: his bedroom. But this wasn't just any bedroom. It was an aquarium house, a bubble of love nestled within the vibrant underwater city where he and his husband, Steve, had made their life together. Steve was waiting for him, eager to start the day, but Larry had gone for a morning swim and somehow gotten turned around in the kelp forest. The coral archways all looked the same, and the fish weren't exactly the best at giving directions.

"Hey, Larry! What's the rush?" a dolphin named Delilah clicked by, her playful grin a stark contrast to Larry's worried frown.

"I can't find our place," he confessed, feeling a bit silly. "I know it's somewhere around here, but everything looks the same."

Delilah, ever the social butterfly, didn't miss a beat. "No worries, I'll help you out. Just follow me!" She zipped off ahead, her sleek body slicing through the water with the grace of a ballet dancer. Larry kicked his tail and swam after her, trying to keep up despite his growing unease.

They passed by a sea turtle, slow and steady, and a school of neon fish that blinked in and out of the coral like living Christmas lights. The sway of the sea plants whispered secrets to the currents, but none of them held the answer Larry sought. His heart raced in his chest, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was running out of time.

Finally, they reached a clearing, and there it was. The aquarium house. It was a marvel of human and sea creature ingenuity, a clear dome with an arch of coral that framed the entrance like a gateway to a hidden treasure. Larry's eyes lit up, and he felt his spirits lift like a bubble rising to the surface. "There it is!"

Delilah winked at him. "Told ya I'd help. Now go make those little fishies before Steve starts to worry!"

StatusIn development
Made withUnity

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